Caring for Aging skin

Caring for Aging skin and the Ultimate anti-aging products at Beauty Bliss
Have you reached a point where you are realising your skin is aging? Creasing, dullness, moisture retention just isn’t the same or there is a lot more pigmentation showing up then you would like? Since turning 30, I have noticed more of this and I’m not a fan.
Age related skin changes are the result of two things; number 1 – genetically programmed changes (intrinsic factors) and number 2 – environmental wear and tear on the skin (extrinsic factors). Yes thats right, we are not totally to blame for the state of our skin, some of it is through our genes, the more pronounced changes are what we have exposed our skin to over the years.
I’d like to tell you about three major causes of aging
1.Oxidative stress
2.Collagenase breaking down collagen
Oxidative Stress
Did you know that your skin cells are subjected to a process called oxidative stress on a daily basis? Cigarette smoke, pollution, the sun and air conditioning can create free radicals in the skin and hence cause oxidation. This process is similar to what happens when you cut open an apple and leave it on the bench, it goes brown due to oxidation. It is irreversible damage and the apple won’t be as tasty or good looking. You must throw it away or cut off the brown bits – but you cant do this with your skin.
To alleviate this process it is often recommended you spritz some lemon juice on the cut open apple.
Use Vitamin C because: In terms of your skin, we recommend using an antioxidant based serum such as C10 firming serum by Ultraceuticals. It works by protecting your skin and making sure these free radicals don’t damage cell membranes or cell DNA.
Collagenase breaking down collagen
I hate to break it to you but we have an enzyme in our bodies called collagenase, its specific role is to break down collagen and inhibit formation of new collagen. In addition to this, working against us is the natural aging process whereby we see a natural decline in collagen synthesis. Again, our environmental stressors such as smoking, UV exposure, pollution and inflammation all contribute and stimulate the production of collagenase. Long term elevation of collagenase results in disorganisation and clumping of skin cells – one of the key characteristics of aging.
Use Vitamin A because: Recent studies have shown that the synthesis of collagenase may be inhibited by topical retinoids such as Vitamin A. It works by normalising skin cell turnover and stimulates fibroblast activity (the cells that create collagen).
Collagen and elastin proteins are highly susceptible to an internal chemical reaction in our body called glycation. This reaction takes place when protein (the building blocks of skin and collagen) reacts with glucose (sugar). The loss of elasticity and changes in the dermis associated with the aging process are due to a cross-linking of protein fibres.
The downlow on sugar: If you can imagine a beautiful girls ponytail free flowing and bouncy, imagine this as the collagen in our skin. If you then take that ponytail and plait it; this is similar to what happens in the skin with diet high in sugar.
So these are my tips for maintaining youthful healthy skin, Use Vitamin C and A and reduce sugar in your diet!
Find out more about your skin and anti-aging products by calling Beauty Bliss on 9388 8890 and making an appointment to see one of our highly trained skin therapists