Skin in your 40’s

I’m 40+ and need you to help me with my skin

If you’ve made it this far never having a professional skin treatment or using good quality skin care chances are you’ve  been blessed with good genes, you’ve simply just been too busy or you’ve got by with a few mediocre products from the skincare isle in woolies. Your friends have treatments in salons and you’ve noticed your skin is missing the same vitality they have. You’ve noticed things like open pores, redness, sun damage, decrease in oil flow and when you put makeup on; your skin is crepey and dry – every wrinkle shows up and now your partner is saying you look tierd….you’ve had enough.

Key products for this age group (usage prescribed by therapist)

-Your skin needs a reboot and you need to start using products with essential fatty acids and richer moisturisers tailored to your skin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin A

Key treatments


Bioskin mesotherapy

RF skin tighening
