CPL – Calibrated Pulsed Light treatment

The last few years I have worked with total creative freedom by offering Medi facials with a mix of 2 or 3 treatments. With so many modalities and every skin being so different I find it very hard to work to a cookie cutter one size fits all facial. Most skins need to be worked on dermally as well as superficially – no matter what the condition – breakouts, aging, redness, pigment, dull, oily!
I don’t do relaxation epidermal treatments… I can’t… and this is why – because what is happening under the surface is more important IMO no one else has to agree it’s just my belief ????
This is why I love CPL treatment so much because it can treat deep, sub dermal and epidermal – it gives access to the entire skin with varying wavelengths ????
Using specific optical filter that are interchangeable the CPL device can adapt the wavelength to the type of skin and imperfections to be treated:
????superficial vascular and pigmented lesions
????photo epilation
????photo rejuvenation and volume toning
????acne treatment
Keep an eye out for our CPL medifacial coming to BBHQ soon
Whats the wavelength for acne treatment? Is it different from pigmented lesion?
Yes, we use a shallow filter at 415nm to target the acne bacteria hanging around on the surface 🙂