Is lack of sleep ruining your skin

Your granny was right when she told you to get your beauty sleep. Did you know lack of sleep can take its toll on your skin? I suffered terribly with insomnia just recently, operating on 2-3 hours of sleep per night, sometimes none at all. I had a lot of stress in my life at…


Makeup – Youngblood minerals

mineral makeup

Makeup for skin love Using good quality skincare is a must, but have you looked at your makeup bag? Are the products in there contradictory to your skincare regime? At Beauty Bliss we believe in glowing, vibrant, healthy skin and this is achieved best when makeup becomes an extension of your skincare.   What is…


Microdermabrasion the ultimate skin exfoliation

skin treatment in Carlton North - Beauty Bliss

When it comes to skin treatments, one of our most popular and quite often our ‘go to’ for most skin concerns is Microdermabrasion. This treatment works by use of a diamond encrusted wand attached to a suction. As it drifts over the skins surface, it lightly abrades and sucks dead skin cells into a filter….


Skin care on the go: What to use when you travel

How to keep up with your skincare regime when you travel Some of you may know I often go away on weekends and I had my first travel experience in my adult life this year in February! I went to Bali with my boyfriend for 5 days. I didn’t know what I was going to do about my…


Lips to love at Beauty Bliss

Brrr! Man it was cold out this morning when I was walking down to F45 Brunswick East. Yep! I am part of that cult that everyone is talking about. I noticed as I was walking, the cold wind on my face and on my poor lips, dry as a bone and peeling. Some of the…


Celebrity skin for the racing season with oxygen


The biggest names in Hollywood swear by oxygen treatments before they hit the red carpet. Celebrities including Megan Fox, Kim Kardashian and Miranda Kerr all know the difference this treatment makes to the skin. Oxygen facials result in visible reduction of lines and wrinkles, a more elastic feel to the skin and deep hydration. With the racing…


Winter skin secrets: The ultimate winter skincare regime

Just like a rough, dry sponge in the middle of the Sahara Desert that hasn’t seen rain in 5 years, your skin and complexion suffer under harsh conditions; and Melbourne’s cold winter weather is no exception. Skin cells shrivel like little sponges and cry out for more water, extra nourishment and TLC. If you’re feeling…


Love the skin you’re in at Beauty Bliss

For as long as you can remember you’ve looked after your skin. You’ve used good cleansers, bought all the best creams in the supermarket, exfoliated and masqued weekly; all self-prescribed. You once read in a girly mag that you shouldn’t use a specific type of makeup, so that’s out. A cosmetic company gave you a free…


laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation treatments using IPL

Beauty Bliss is unbelievably happy to announce the arrival of our new Spectrum 2000 intense pulsed light (IPL) machine for laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation. We are proud to say it is one of the most clinically advanced in the world today. Very fast and effective treatments are achieved for hair reduction, pigmentation, sunspots, freckles,…